
Showing posts from January, 2021

Time Strategies

 Week 1 I use to be very bad about procrastinating but we'll get to that.  Just kidding! That definitely changed in my past 4 years of college. I noticed my best work was when I really applied myself and didn't wait until the last minute and it honestly felt rewarding and good. I'm definitely a victim of "productive paranoia" as Peter Banerjea states in his " Four Questions to Help you Overcome Procrastination " where i'm constantly thinking about it all day until it's done or until I see there's not potential of possible problems because I've been proactive about what I need to get done. I think one of my biggest problems was starting the project or assignment and I'd constantly find myself making excuses like "I work better under pressure so I HAVE to wait last minute" when it's really just me pushing it off. I'm glad I wasn't the only one with this problem as Jory Mackay explains in his article " The Impo


 Week 1  Technology! Tools! A lot I honestly didn't know how to do haha. I just set up the word count and spellcheck and feel like I'm so behind with the times. I didn't realize how to find or do any of that stuff but I'm glad I was able to set it all up! I hope through the course of this semester I find new ways to edit my blog or make things easier to edit, use, or post. I like how on the assignments blog theres the sidebars that show things like navigation and twitter activity, etc. I want to learn how to do that! I do know a couple other ways to edit things such as experience with Canva and some adobe creative apps due to my major. Other than that I don't know many of the tools on Chrome or Safari. Very excited to learn though :)   (Source: Unsplash Tools! ) 


 Week 1  A week into this class and it's nothing like any other class I've taken before. I think when it comes to instructions for the assignments everything is so clear and easy to understand. It's laid out step-by-step making it easy to stay on track and get things done! I've found the assignments to be very intriguing because of how different the layout is. I liked the growth mindset one because it's a good reminder of how to treat myself this semester as well as learning about how our minds work as we learn. The blog posts are nice because I get to always voice my input and talk freely on how I feel about an assignment. The photos are also cool because I've learned how to easily link and credit the pictures I use. I think based on the small amount of assignments we've done already, this semester has many opportunities for students to do well if they simply just try and it's all straightforward. I know personally I'm not very good at staying on tr

Growth Mindset

 Week 1  Listening to Carol Dweck's videos " Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone " and " The Power of Believing you can Improve " I found it very relatable in a sense that I felt as if my first few years of college were spent defining myself based on my grades which in college isn't realistic at all. I think some people aren't meant to comprehend things the way others do and vice versa. People are so different and it's hard to put a grade on that. Which is where I also see it from the critics POV. I do think that opening your mind up and treating students/kids in a way that Dweck talks about does teach them valuable lessons. Which is why it was interesting to learn about it. I haven't heard of Carol Dweck and her ideas on growth mindset mostly because it's something I haven't looked into. I know I can relate it to other aspects of my life. As you might have seen from my introduction I like to cook! Sometimes I shut down when others try my

Growth Mindset Cats!

 Week 1  I enjoyed learning about this growth mindset because it's something I think about a lot being in college. I think students can sometimes be competitive and it contributes to the mindset that others have to get an A to be happy about their work. That's not the case at all! I think each accomplishment in life in general and how that student got there should make someone happy no matter how big or how small. I think setting these standards that people have to be the best intelligently can cause disconnects and negative environments for them. I think the biggest thing is accepting mistakes. Which is why I liked this cat! I think when the growth mindset lessons that Carol Dweck explains in her video " The Power of Believing you can Improve " she explains that students will put in more effort when their efforts are celebrated rather than their achievements.  (Source: Mistakes Cat ) The other cat I liked was inspiring and I think it's easier to see improvement w

Storybook Favorites

 Week 1  Looking over this weeks assignments and seeing all the complex storybooks I was able to definitely get a clear idea of all the different ways to create my own storybook project. It was easy to find three that stood out to me. The first was " The Adventures of Alice and Dorothy " by Arianna. I found the idea of mixing up two different very well known stories a nice twist on what people usually know. I also think this student did well on making them mesh together as if they should've been written together! I liked how they used key points from both stories like the tornado and the yellow brick road. The next storybook I found compelling was " Discovering the Lost " by Katlyn. I enjoyed it because the story had a lot of different emotions when it came to finding Bigfoot. I think most people make a joke out of it but this author was able to give Bigfoot a personality and feelings! They were able to do that with the centaur too, and unfortunately gave him an

Favorite Place

Week 1  My favorite place that I've had the pleasure to experience that encompasses a large majority of my childhood memories is Landsthul, Germany. I spent 7 years of my life living overseas and traveling A LOT but there is no place I've been that even comes close to how amazing I thought Germany was and I had thee honor to live there! You'd think at a young age I wouldn't be able to comprehend the true beauty of a place which is somewhat true but it wasn't until I left that I knew the teenager and young adult me  would miss it as much as I do now. People say the shock of moving from Europe to America or vice versa is huge and wow they weren't kidding. I could probably go on and on about all the small things I miss about Landsthul, Germany but I'll keep it short-ish and sweet. I've never seen a place quite as breathtaking as Germany in the Winter. They had the most elaborate, Christmas markets in the town square. The views never got old. How could you n

Introduction to my current life

Week 1   I didn't think in college i'd have to make so many blogs for my classes but surprisingly I do, and surprisingly I always never know what i'm quite doing. I find them interesting though as I am not one to write my thoughts down and I actually hoped this year that would change; it's New Years resolution for further context. As January is coming to an end and I have yet to do that, little did I know a class would help me get started.  I've waited literal *years* to take this class and it's finally here! My name is Ashley and I am finishing up my last semester at OU as an advertising major. I know the word advertising is "annoying" but I love the strategy behind all of it and its interesting to see how the world adapts through media and even just advertising. I hope I can take my major and do something big with it someday! When I'm not working or doing school stuff I actually kind of like to golf, cook and workout. I just started golfing so ob