Growth Mindset

 Week 1 

Listening to Carol Dweck's videos "Make Challenge the New Comfort Zone" and "The Power of Believing you can Improve" I found it very relatable in a sense that I felt as if my first few years of college were spent defining myself based on my grades which in college isn't realistic at all. I think some people aren't meant to comprehend things the way others do and vice versa. People are so different and it's hard to put a grade on that. Which is where I also see it from the critics POV. I do think that opening your mind up and treating students/kids in a way that Dweck talks about does teach them valuable lessons. Which is why it was interesting to learn about it. I haven't heard of Carol Dweck and her ideas on growth mindset mostly because it's something I haven't looked into. I know I can relate it to other aspects of my life. As you might have seen from my introduction I like to cook! Sometimes I shut down when others try my food because I already go in clinging to the idea they immediately won't like it. This makes me stray away from new people tasting my cooking. This is where I could use the growth mindset to let others in to give me feedback which will ultimately grow my confidence in cooking for others. I often call my dad and ask him for help when I don't know what I'm doing and having that insight has helped me really get deeper into different foods and ways I like to cook. I think as of right now I worry most about growth mindset when it comes to my capstone class. It's multiple teams going against each other and everyone wants to do good and win. Theres a lot that's out of my control but rather I should see it as a learning opportunity for the real world! 


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