Time Strategies

 Week 1

I use to be very bad about procrastinating but we'll get to that. 

Just kidding! That definitely changed in my past 4 years of college. I noticed my best work was when I really applied myself and didn't wait until the last minute and it honestly felt rewarding and good. I'm definitely a victim of "productive paranoia" as Peter Banerjea states in his "Four Questions to Help you Overcome Procrastination" where i'm constantly thinking about it all day until it's done or until I see there's not potential of possible problems because I've been proactive about what I need to get done. I think one of my biggest problems was starting the project or assignment and I'd constantly find myself making excuses like "I work better under pressure so I HAVE to wait last minute" when it's really just me pushing it off. I'm glad I wasn't the only one with this problem as Jory Mackay explains in his article "The Important Habit of Just Starting" that 95% of Americans actually do the same thing. I think procrastination is very unhealthy in many ways. It's mentally draining and ultimately a habit people need to break. I noticed a reoccurring theme in the articles especially the two listed above that the best thing to do is get into the habit of just starting. Not completing but really just starting. Even if it's a little at a time, getting into the habit of starting can help to build repetition in work ethic and break the habit of procrastination. 

(Source: Unsplash Time)


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