Growth Mindset Cats!

 Week 1 

I enjoyed learning about this growth mindset because it's something I think about a lot being in college. I think students can sometimes be competitive and it contributes to the mindset that others have to get an A to be happy about their work. That's not the case at all! I think each accomplishment in life in general and how that student got there should make someone happy no matter how big or how small. I think setting these standards that people have to be the best intelligently can cause disconnects and negative environments for them. I think the biggest thing is accepting mistakes. Which is why I liked this cat! I think when the growth mindset lessons that Carol Dweck explains in her video "The Power of Believing you can Improve" she explains that students will put in more effort when their efforts are celebrated rather than their achievements. 

(Source: Mistakes Cat)

The other cat I liked was inspiring and I think it's easier to see improvement when we hear about things that we need to change to clear the path ahead of us. It helps us grow when we let others in and give us feedback that make us better. I think a lot of the lessons I learned that are still important to this day were ones that were defined by others. Once we let others in to give us direction and a way to improve in a way we might not have seen it, it gives us the opportunity to grow as well. That is why this is my second favorite cat! 
(Source: Feedback cat)


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